Sunday, November 30, 2014

My Chidambaram Trip .....

                                           OM CHIDAMBARESWARAYA NAMAH

Dear friends,       OM NAMA SIVAYA 

I am so happy to write about Chidambaram Temple.This is not merely a temple as much as this place like as Kailasam, because here Lord Parameswara  doing his Cosmic Dance in every seconds.

I have  visited this great place in the fist week of December 2013.  One of the great University in the world, Annamalay University situated here. I have  participated P.G.Diploma Program in Yoga  running  by  Yoga study center , Annamalay University. It was a wonderful experience in my Life.I am so happy to shared some Photos and videos here.

P.G.Diploma in Yoga 2013 program pictures 

                                                Our Hon: Director Dr.Viswanathan Sir

Special Thanks- Dr.Viswanathan Sir (Hon: Director) ,Dr. Venkitachalapathy Sir, Natarajan sir, Dr.Susheela madam , Dr.Jayanthi madam, Dr.Rukmini madam, Danraj sir and  other staff members 

Content: Yoga Class, Cultural Program and Memorable events   

                                                MAHA AVATAR BABAJI 

                                      Guest House

                                     Old Pics

                                      Dr.venkitachalapathy sir

                                     Our Dr.Viswanathan Sir,

 Cultural Program KERALA Team performance 


What is Chidambara Ragasiyam

If you are a Yogi, You know about spiritual Sadhanas, if you practicing your Sadanas in front of lord Siva at chidambaram temple. You will be blessed by Lord Parameswara. Chidambaram is one of the Greatest  spiritual place in the World.Many Great Yogis are lived in this sacred place .Thirumoolar ,author of Tirumandram lived here.Chidambaram is the Samadhi plce of Tirumollar.This place has been blessed by Lord Parammeswara and other  great yogis and Rishies in every seconds. Many Great Sidhhas are living here. Chidambaram Temple is bearing many  RAHASYAs.

 Chidambara Ragasiyam/Rahasyam (Tamil for "secret of Chidambaram") is a Hindu belief that there is a secret message conveyed through the embossed figure near the shrine of Shiva in Chidambaram temple.Since ancient times, it is believed that this is the place where Lord Shiva and Parvathi are present, but are invisible to the naked eyes of normal people. In the Chidambaram temple of Lord Nataraja, Chidambara Ragasiyam is hidden by a curtain (Maya). Darshan of Chidambara Ragasiyam is possible only when priests open the curtain (or Maya) for special poojas. People who are privileged to have a darshan of Chidambara Ragasiyam can merely see golden vilva leaves (Aegle Marmelos) signifying the presence of Lord Shiva and Parvathi in front of them. It is also believed that devout saints can see the Gods in their physical form, but no such cases have been officially reported.

The phrase "Chidambara Ragasiyam" really means something different. The pharse literally means a secret associated to Chidambaram - the place. Behind this is a real meaning to a secret. As described above there is a particular curtain kind of curtain which when removed enables us viewing the secret. The real significance of doing so is that, when the curtain which is "maya" is removed one can see his real self. And the seeing of oneself removing the curtain of maya is viewing the secret. According to legend, "Chidambara Ragasiyam" will never be revealed as it is the secret relating to a particular person who sees it removing the screen of "maya". In the temple, when the poojas are performed and the screen is removed, one will be able to see the secret only when he applies this to his mind and soul.

Chidambaram is the place of Lord Nataraja Occult Dance place. He is dancing here for his devotees  . Lord Parameswara , is the Father of Yoga Vidya 

What is Yoga Vidya 

The cultural heritage of our country is of immense value to the whole of humanity. Unfortunately in our eagerness to ape the western culture, an average Indian prefer to be blissfully unaware to this tradition bequeathed to us by our forefathers. Should we not derive inspiration from the fabulous contributions our forefathers have made by providing us this rich fund of knowledge? Why we have succumbed to this sort of decadence instead of being proud of our ancient past? For true seekers reasons are not that difficult to find. Long periods of subjugation by the descendants of Central Asian invaders followed by the long colonial rule by the British sapped our energy and made us victims of a slavish mentality. Progress of modern science and our inability to keep pace with the advanced countries pushed us backwards. Thrust given by the ruling community for English education, prompted us to view what is of Indian origin with contempt. The national movement for regaining freedom and the subsequent winning of the same, kindled some hopes for revival. But unfortunately even after 62 years of independence, our attitude is still sluggish for honoring our cultural heritage. All that belong to the rich tradition is attributed to belong to the Hindu religion, rather than considering them as part of our national ethos. Percolation of party politics into all walks of life and the eagerness of politicians to lure the minority communities having their eyes on the vote banks eluded the horizons for a revival of our lost glory. Though belonging to different communities and castes we forgot the fact that we are primarily Indians having a common culture and tradition. The fact that many learned people of the west are now acknowledging our precious contributions, do not deter many of us from disregarding what is of Indian origin. That is why still the majority feel reluctant to proudly own and propagate precious branches of knowledge which are unique and bear the stamp of our cultural heritage.

Yoga Vidya is one of the ancient branches of knowledge originated in India. During which period this branch of knowledge developed and flourished is not exactly known. It is said that the Supreme Lord “Parameswara” himself had handed down to us this knowledge for Self realization. Our ancient teachers group all branches of knowledge in to two broad categories. They are “Para Vidya” and “Apara Vidya”. Those belonging to Para Vidya imparts Spiritiual knowledge. Spiritual knowledge and its practice leads one ultimately to Self realization. A solid example for this is “Vedanta Darsanam”. Contrary to this Apara Vidya that helps to equip one for the worldly life.

Please go this Great spiritual place and enjoy the real  Experience ...

Thanks All.........................................

With Love & Prayers,

A.V. Krishnakumar 

thanks chidambaramnataraja site